Kamis, 19 Desember 2019

Second book review

curriculum development in language teaching” by Jack C. Richard
            This book presents an approach to the teaching-learning process that sees successfull language as being dependent upon the activities of curriculum development, that is, the use of variety of planning and implementation processes involved in developing or renewing a language program. These process include determining learners’ needs, analysis of the contextual factors, the planning of learning outcomes, the organization of a course or set of teaching materials, the selection and preparation of teaching materials, provision for and maintenance of effective teaching, and evaluation of the program.

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Name                : Biva Arisca
Nick Name      : Biva
NIM                 : 2317102
Class                : PBI_5C


Introduce the book :
introducing semantics” by Nick Riemer.
Semantics is the study of meaning in language. This clear and comprehensive textbook is the most up-to-date introduction to the subject available for undergraduate students. It not only equips students with the concepts they need in order to understand the main aspects of semantics, it also introduces the styles of reasoning and argument which characterize the field. It contains more than 200 exercises and discussion questions designed to test and deepen readers’ understanding. More  inclusive than other textbooks, it clearly explains and contrasts different theoretical approaches, summarizes current debates, and provides helpful suggestions for further reading. Examples are drawn both from major world languages, such as Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Spanish and English, and from minority ones. The book also highlights the connections between semantics and the wider study of human language in psychology, anthropology and linguistics itself.
You can search this book in link

Senin, 18 November 2019

 Overview of Curriculum Components

      Languages teacher have long been faced with a plethora of “methods” from which to choose.Each “method” has tended to claim for it self authority concerning what students need to learn,the best way to match the student’s learning styles , or in some cases the turth about how to present or practice language.The view to promote is that curriculum development is a series of activities will provide a framework that helps teachers to accomplish whatever combination of teaching activities is most suitable in their proffesional judgement for a given situation.

       Models of language curriculum design have undergone considerable evolution , an evolution reflect in the models. On the language teaching literature list above but also fits the more general models used to describe long establish systems apporoaches to curriculum design.

Strategies to Teaching Speaking
The strategies are :
1.      Setting Clear Lesson Goals
 It is crucial that teacher be clear about what he wants students to learn during each lesson. If teacher cannot quickly and easily state what he wants the students to know and be able to do at the end of a given lesson, the goal of the lesson will be unclear. Clear lesson goalshelp teacher (and students) to focus every other aspect of lesson on what matters most.
2.       Showing & Telling
Teacher should normally start lessons with show and tell. Put simply, telling involves sharing information or knowledge with the students while showing involves modeling how to do something. When teacher has cleared about what he wants students to know and be able to do by the end of the lesson, a teacher needs to tell them what they need to know and show how to do the tasks.
3.      Questioning to Check for Understanding
Research suggests that teachers typically spend a large amount of teaching time asking questions. However, few teachers use questions to check for understanding within a lesson. However, a teacher should always check for understanding before moving onto the next part of their lesson. Techniques such as randomized sampling, student answer-boards and tell-a-friend are helpful.

The role and designed of instructional materials
         Instructional material generally serve as the basis for much of the language input learner receive and the language practice that occurs in the classroom. Dudley Evans and St. John  (1998,170-171) suggest that for teacher of ESP course, materials serve the following functions:
·         As a source of language
·         As a learning support
·         For motivation and simulation
·         For reference
The materials provide the basis for content of lesson, the balance of skill thought, and the kinds of language practice student take part in.

CALL Second book review “ curriculum development in language teaching ” by Jack C. Richard             This book presents an appr...